4 April 2013

Never Forget a Name Again

What's Your Name?
I read an article today on my favourite networking site Linked in- I seriously recommend it to anyone who doesn't have an account. Back on topic, the article was about a professional who had the common struggle of forgetting names. I'm sure we have all experienced this before, that Oh-my-goodness moment when your acquaintance approaches you and seems to know who you are, while you stand there dumbfounding, asking yourself, 'What the heck is their name again?'

If you suffer from this 'condition', here's some tricks ; )

Trick 1) Iv'e Gone Blank
" For some reason I keep thinking your name is Joe, but that can't be right?"

Trick 2) Can I Get All Your Info, Friend?

“Hey I would love to get a copy of your business card- do you have a facebook/ twitter/ linked in account?" 

Trick 3) It's On The Tip of My Tongue!

" I remembered your name not 20 minutes ago and now im blanking?"

 Trick 4) You Have a Great Memory!

“Wow I'm impressed. I can't believe you remember my name from 2 weeks ago? I struggle with remembering people's names when I met them yesterday? So I'm going to have to ask you to repeat your name for me!" 

 Trick 5) Can I Grab Your Last Name?

“Did I ever get your last name? What was it again" If you ask a person for his last name, they're likely to repeat both names. “Bond, James Bond.” (Be careful with this one though)

Trick 6) Let Me Introduce You To...

Introduce the person whose name you can't remember, to one of your friends. When you introduce your friend (whose name you DO know) the nameless person will more often then not repeat their name to your friend.

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