11 April 2013

Thanks Everyone!

The Big...


Wow! Today, thanks to your support of my blog, I have reached the 800 mark and rising! This blog is such a creative outlet to express my views on communication and it has hopefully helped each of you in some way, shape or form :)

My Vision 

I believe communication is important and therefore should be easily understood and not over-complicated- in other words it should be made fun, creative and approachable. 


My Goals 

Short-term- I aim to offer intelligent and interesting approaches to communication ,social media and marketing/public relations topics.

Long-term- I hope to be writing consistently and hope to expand my audience into many new social platforms. This may mean I move from blogger to another hosting website but at the moment this site offers me everything I want. The more I write, the more knowledge I hope to gain and share.

Wishful Extras

I want to create brand recognition through a creative logo or caricature sketch of my face to add to the site and any affiliate sites I may create as a result of success with this one.
Co- authors are also an idea buzzing around in my mind, as well as writing for local talent or small business' either on this site or somewhere else.

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