2 August 2013

Why You Should Join a Professional Association

'Broaden your knowledge.....'

                        'Enhance your career prospects....'

                                              'Network with professionals...'

We get it...and we all know what we sign up for when we join a professional association.
I'm not here to reintegrate what is pretty much a given. I'm here to list a few hidden (and rather appealing) pro's to joining up.  For the purpose of this blog entry, I will be using examples drawn from my own professional association member, the Public Relations Insitute of Australia (PRIA). To my PR, media, journalism and communication friends I would recommend PRIA first and foremost. For my other readers in different fields I encourage you to find an association that suits your professional needs. 

I hope this helps

1# Get Checked Out
Imagine you're faced with a selection of apples. Each apple is grown in the same field and has the same components, e.g price, seeds, stalk, colour. However, one of those apples is organically grown without chemicals and as a result will taste much better and be far healthier for you. Which would you pick?  Of course I'm not implying that non association members are toxic, I'm simply saying that if there is anything you can do to set yourself apart from the rest....do it!

2# Chuck Norris Effect
It's easy enough to say that learning from a professional is a good thing, but what gives them the upper hand in the first place?
Right, think of this scenario. A professional is like Chuck Norris leading a group of armatures in a dangerous and dense forest. Chuck goes in first, machete in hand- he makes a clear path, exposing the obstacles and locating the best areas to establish camp. This is why it's handy to learn from professionals, especially case studies and theories. All the hard work has been done for you and you don't have to get lost in the unknown.

3# Catch The Disease 
Not as deadly as it seems, but exposing yourself to the professional environment of your interest allows all things in that area to attach to you. You soon catch on to the overall style of writing, language and culture. You begin to adapt to the people and personalities that encompass the profession and you begin to adopt the new skills and ideas it provides.

4# The Thug Life
The definition: You don't need a lot of money to succeed (My interpretation anyway..)
A professional association is kind to your wallet, if you are a student! So make most of your student status by joining up now. It's like seniors benefits except for younger, less experienced and probably less deserving adolescents.

5# Ice Ice Baby
Everyone loves a good ice breaker...especially one that boost your rapport ;)  Countless times, my PRIA membership and student ambassador job have come to the rescue in my discussions, especially in awkward uni group workshops or introductions.

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