27 March 2013

Theory of Communication

Top Tip Of The Day- 

"How are you?", "What's happening in your mind?", "I'm here to listen"- Effective communication is NOT just chat from one end! Listen to your audience/recipient and discover that the act of listening makes you a better communicator!

Hey guys!

Glad you could make it today :) 

Before I start I would like to let you all know that YES my work is original and NO it is not copied. All my work is either based on previous assignment ideas or comes from my text book knowledge and world-experience in PR and communication :) Thanks

Introduction: Communication
Role of communication in organisations by Sarah Brown

Communication plays an essential role within the organisation and  relies heavily on relevant communication theories. Etzioni (1964) suggests that every one of us is born, educated and lives in organisations. My understanding of this is that our lives consist of many different organisations, which underline the fact that organisations are essential for the everyday functionality of our lives. Without these constructed organisations for people to fit into, our society would not have the capability to develop or achieve any form of success. 

 This idea is relevant to the constructivist view of theory and knowledge. Bondner (1986) provides strong support by proposing that knowledge only exists within constructs that humans develop.  Schutz was the major contributor in the development of the constructivism theory. I find Schutz's theory to be relevant and effective, in that it successfully analyses the way in which human understanding is developed through interpretive constructs. However, all theories have their flaws as it has been suggested that they are not direct objective copies of what they represent, and necessarily provide an incomplete view.’ (Tyler, S, Kossen, C & Ryan, C 2005) Even though the constructivist theory has some positive perspectives, it will also carry some weak ones.

 It is also surmised that ‘Theories and concepts are only parts of a much bigger picture’ (p. 12), which advices us to stand back and consider the overall issue or subject we are applying theory to. This can help us in identifying the pros’ and cons’ of each theory, which can help us effectively apply it where needed. Overall, the importance of a relevant and applicable communication theory became obvious to me through understanding the importance of conceptualising our world. 

Theories are essential in the way that they provide us with tools to make sense of reality, because without this, society would struggle to progress and succeed. 


My information is sourced from a credible book;
Tyler, S Kossen, C & Ryan, C 2005, Communication: a foundation course, edn 2, Pearson Education, Frenchs Forest, NSW.

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