26 March 2013

Welcome to Success in Communication

Got your attention? Good, but don't be alarmed.
This image has no relevance to the blog you're about read- the following quote does.


 Hi, Im Sarah Brown,

The purpose of my blog is to help people understand the invaluable asset of communication, and how essential it is to grasp the overarching principles that guide successful communication in our workplace, relationships and everyday life.

As a third year Public Relations major student in the bachelor of communications at USQ I find it highly essential to develop communication tips and tricks for every situation and environment.

Some of the things I want to offer my readers are;
  • The best insider communication tips and tricks
  • How to deal with conflict
  • Communicating via social media 
  • Personal improvement
  • How to communicate to get the results you want
  • Language, culture & empathy 
Just a few topics to get the brainstorming started...... 

Communication is a fun, dynamic and complex area but (hopefully) each day, or at least weekly, I can create a short, information-packed blog that gets down to the nuts and bolts of effective communication.

I will be continually offering advice and insight from my own PR experiences, credible texts and will relentlessly offer easy-to-apply information to make YOU a better communicator.

I'm a fun, visual and interactive learner, so I hope this reflects in my blog :)


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