29 March 2013

Zombie Media

Zombie Media Infecting You?

Zombie media? What are you talking about Sarah? Well, this isn't a new topic, but it is something that is relevant to those of you who are social media savvy. 

 Zombie Media Interview

Many companies praise social media for being the top, most active and used channel to reach the masses. Your boss or even yourself might leap at the chance to create a Twitter feed, facebook account, pinterest or blog, but is it actually worth it? 

Of course social media is beneficial and perhaps essential for communication among the public today, but choosing the correct social platform to launch your organisation or communication is the buzzing decision. 

Many may believe the false premise that they need every account possible. Give me Twitter, facebook, pinterest, Blogger, Linked in, Foursquare and then some! 

No! Not necessary at all? Say for example you are a company that relies heavily on wordy content and aim to reach a higher level of educated public-why would you need a pinterest account? Is your public using this channel? 

This may  not even be needed and can become an added time or cost to your companies or your own budget and effort. This is where zombie media comes in. 

With so many active accounts to manage and feed content through, sometimes one account or more are forgotten. It is probably safe to say its more beneficial to run one successful, continuous and active site (e.g Twitter or facebook) rather then have the responsibility to maintain many at a less efficient level. 

Your communication becomes stagnant and dead on that channel, kind of like a Zombie.


Remember to:  
Know your audience

Choose the right channel

Stay active and relevant

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