1 April 2013

7 Easy Steps To Maximise Tweets

Maximise Your Tweets.
Came across this gem on Facebook tonight. Engaging and well displayed chart of how to effectively maximize your tweeting success. Give it a read- I found it very helpful so I thought I'd post it for all my blogger friends out there:)

Summary of chart:
  1. Best days to tweet are Saturday and Sunday as this sees a 17% increase in engagement compared to weekdays.
  2. Best time to tweet is between 8am - 7pm as this sees a 30% increase in engagement.
  3. Keep your tweets UNDER 100 characters and you will reap a 17% increase in engagement.
  4. 2x MORE engagement when you use a hashtag #Makemostofhashtag
  5. 17% decrease when you use MORE then 2 hashtags
  6. You are 12 times more likely to have your post retweeted when you ASK followers to retweet! Wow!
  7. The word Retweet is more effective then the word RT. Spell it out!

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