2 April 2013

Write Convincing Emails

 PRIA tells how to write a convincing email

PRIA stands for The Public Relations Institute of Australia- it is the go to industry for PR professionals throughout Australia. It provides support and communication for PR individuals reaching numbers of 3,000 and connecting with more the 175 consultancies. PRIA promotes ethical practice and high
standards within its community.

 6 Step Fool-Proof System

1. Set a Goal

Before writing a single word, ask yourself WHAT decision are you trying to get the recipient to make? The clearer you make the goal, the more convincing.

2.Write the conclusion first

The first thing you should start your email with is your conclusion- a statement of the decision you intend the recipient to make.

3. Break it down
After your conclusion, identify each argument that will support it. Then divide each argument into smaller points.

4. Support your arguments

You will need to support your arguments with facts NOT opinion. Credible sources, quotes and information can be used here.

5. Call To Action

At the end of your email you must provide the recipient with the next step or call to action. Keep it simple and specific.


Your support for this project would be greatly appreciated.


If you respond to this e-mail with your approval, I'll get the process started.

6. Stick a benefit in the subject line.

The subject line is the most important part of the email. It should be written last and accomplish  2 things.

1) Create interest in the email so that the recipient opens and reads it.
2) Imply the conclusion you want the recipient to accept.

Do this by introducing a benefit gained from the decision you want the recipient to make.


Subject: The Health Impact of In-House Employee Fitness Programs
Subject: How we can reduce absenteeism

PRIA Email Examples

To: Jim@Acme.com
Subject: The Health Impact of In-House Employee Fitness Programs
As you know, employee absenteeism is generally recognized as an ongoing problem with a steep financial impact, both in our company and in other companies in our industries. An in-house gym will reduce absenteeism because then people will want to come to work rather than stay at home and they won't get sick so much. Therefore, we should consider allocating money for the installation of a gym at our headquarters facility. Your support for this project would be greatly appreciated.
To: Jim@Acme.com
Subject: How we can reduce absenteeism
I want you to approve the installation of an in-house gym. This will:
- Reduce absenteeism. According to a National Health Institute survey of 1,000 firms, companies with in-house gyms experience 20% less absenteeism than those who lack such facilities.
- Increase productivity. We have 50% more absenteeism than other firms in our industry, so reducing that number by 20% will automatically increase our productivity by 10%.
If you respond to this e-mail with your approval, I'll get the process started.

 From Sarah

Seriously, which of the two e-mails do YOU think is more likely to move your agenda forward?

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